Signs of a Broken Toe
- Pain continues to be extreme following the injury, and has not lessened much after a couple days.
- The toe is stiff and swollen.
- The toe is warmer to the touch than other toes.
- It is difficult to walk on the toe.
- Trying to put on shoes can become an excruciating ordeal.
- The toenail is split or bleeding is coming from beneath it (which can indicate a fracture beneath the nail).
- The toe looks awkwardly bent or deformed in any way.
- Skin tone has changed to a bluish or grayish color.
Having any of the above symptoms is plenty enough reason to give us a call and let us know what’s going on. In fact, you should never feel discouraged to reach out if you have any questions or uncertainties about your condition. We are always happy to help, and it’s much better to find out something isn’t as bad as it seems than to unknowingly make a bad situation worse.
Depending on the information you provide us, we might recommend you come in for a closer physical evaluation of your toe. If necessary, we may perform an X-ray to confirm whether the toe has been fractured or not.
Can I Still Run with a Broken Toe?
It’s a common belief that you can’t really treat a broken toe. And if that’s the case, why not just bear through it until it heals on its own?
But this is not the case. Please do not try to run on a broken toe – at least until it has been properly evaluated and has been treated to a point where you are cleared for such activities.
Trying to run or exercise with a broken toe – even if it’s just the smallest toe – will add stress to the injury. This can easily cause further damage and complicate recovery.
Reducing stress on the toe as it recovers will also reduce your risk of more chronic complications in the future. A broken toe that is left untreated or does not heal properly is more likely to develop osteoarthritis as you age, which can be even more of a hindrance to your activity.

So What Do We Do if the Toe is Broken?
The good news is that, even if a broken toe requires attention, it typically doesn’t take a lot of effort to fix. The need for surgery to fix a broken toe is very rare.
We must determine whether any parts of the bone have shifted in the break. If they have, we will likely need to manipulate them back into their proper places. This is called “reduction,” and we can frequently set the bones properly from the outside. There is rarely need to surgically open the toe to directly manipulate the bones.
When the bones are properly set, we will then immobilize the toe to give it the best chance to rest and heal. There are several methods for doing this:
- In minor cases, we may use “buddy taping” – taping the toe to its neighbor – for effective immobilization.
- If there are some further concerns, we may also provide a post-surgical shoe for added protection and support. These shoes possess a stiff bottom to keep the toe from moving, but are also much easier to put on than normal shoes.
- In more severe cases, we may recommend a walking cast for fuller immobilization.
A broken toe typically takes 4-6 weeks to heal. You will likely be asked to rest as well as maintain your cast and/or taping, but these recommendations can gradually be lessened or removed based on the progress of your recovery and our recommendations.
While resting, we may recommend icing your foot and keeping it elevated above the level of your heart to reduce pain and swelling. Medications might also be prescribed or recommended.
In some cases, we might also recommend a course of laser therapy to help further lessen pain, reduce inflammation, and accelerate overall recovery.
Don’t Go On an Injured Toe
At least not immediately! Give yourself time to make sure your toe is OK first, and contact us whenever you have any concerns whatsoever.
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Professional Sports Injury Care in Twin Falls, Idaho
When you suffer a foot or ankle injury while exercising or playing a sport, your first move needs to be protecting the injured area by stopping the activity and staying off the foot as much as possible.
As soon as you are able, contact our office so we can set up an appointment to diagnose your condition and provide the effective treatment you need. Our foot and ankle sports injury doctors will create a unique foot care plan for you. Visit our office in Twin Falls, Idaho.